The working class is still too small to enable a successful socialist revolution. 工人阶级队伍还是非常弱小,不能成功实现社会主义革命。
It appears that the so-called socialist revolution must also have its hamburgers. 由此看来,汉堡还是不可缺少的,即便在一场所谓的社会主义革命中。
The second is that, firmly relying on the people, our Party completed the socialist revolution and established the basic socialist system. 第二件大事,我们党紧紧依靠人民完成了社会主义革命,确立了社会主义基本制度。
Our cadres have acquired twelve years of experience in socialist revolution and construction, including both positive and negative experience. 现在,我们的干部又有了十二年社会主义革命和建设的经验,包括正面的经验和反面的经验。
In the past they were mentally unprepared to take part in socialist revolution. 这些人在过去,并没有参加社会主义革命的精神准备。
Our revolution today is a socialist revolution, its aim is to build a socialist country and it has found this new form. 现在的革命是社会主义革命,是为了建设社会主义国家,它找到了这种新形式。
We have been making socialist revolution in the system, firstly in the ownership of the means of production and secondly in the superstructure, in the political system and the sphere of ideology, but there has never been a full debate on the question. 我们在制度方面,首先是生产资料所有制,第二是上层建筑,政治制度也好,意识形态也好,进行了社会主义革命,但是没有展开充分辩论。
Long live the worldwide socialist revolution! 全世界社会主义革命万岁!
In the present period of the socialist revolution subjectivism is still in evidence. 现在是社会主义革命时期,也有主观主义。
A Historical Investigation of the Party's Cadre Work During the Socialist Revolution and Construction Period 社会主义革命和建设时期党的干部工作的历史考察
The socialist revolution is deepening with each passing day. 社会主义革命日益深入。
The socialist revolution is new to us all. 社会主义革命对我们都是新的。
Imperialism is a dying and decaying capitalism and the eve of socialist revolution. 帝国主义是垂死的、腐朽的资本主义,是社会主义革命的前夜。
The Modern Scientific and Technical Revolution and Socialism as well as Capitalism; Then, are the socialist revolution and socialist construction good or not? 那末,社会主义革命和社会主义建设好不好?
This is a great socialist revolution on the political and ideological fronts. 这是一个在政治战线L和思想战线上的伟大的社会主义革命。
It is absolutely wrong to lose faith in socialism and think that it is inferior to capitalism just because we have made mistakes in our practice of socialist revolution and construction. 由于我们在社会主义革命和社会主义建设的历史上犯过错误,就对社会主义丧失信心,认为社会主义不如资本主义,这种思想是完全错误的;
Socialist revolution can never be achieved without a struggle. 社会主义革命只能通过斗争来实现。
True, the socialist revolution is a revolution of a new kind. 不错,社会主义革命是一场新的革命。
Established during socialist revolution, china's state ownership of the means of production no longer adapts to socialist market economic system as the development of socialist construction, which results in such phenomena as non-separation between the government and the enterprises, regional barrier and market fragmentation. 摘要我国的生产资料国家所有制,是在社会主义革命过程中建立起来的,随着社会主义建设的发展,它们与社会主义市场经济体制就不相适应了,出现了政企不分、地区壁垒和条块分割等现象。
Even after the basic victory of our socialist revolution, there will still be a number of people in our society who vainly hope to restore the capitalist system and are sure to fight the working class on every front, including the ideological one. 在我国社会主义革命取得基本胜利以后,社会上还有一部分人梦想恢复资本主义制度,他们要从各个方面向工人阶级进行斗争,包括思想方面的斗争。
The Socialist Revolution requires a change of the superstructure as well as a change of the economic basis. 【译文】社会主义革命不仅要求改变经济基础,也要求改变上层建筑。
We must learn a foreign language well and serve our socialist revolution and socialist construction better. 我们必须学好外语,更好地为我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设服务。
At present, we are combating subjectivism as found in the socialist revolution and socialist construction. 现在,我们反对的是社会主义革命和社会主义建设中的主观主义。
The socialist revolution has greatly narrowed the gap in economic development between China and the advanced capitalist countries. 社会主义革命已经使我国大大缩短了同发达资本主义国家在经济发展方面的差距。
The exhibition mirrors the magnificent achievements made in socialist revolution and socialist construction. 展览会反映了社会主义革命和建设的巨大成就。
However, we did not complete the task of eliminating the surviving feudal influences in the ideological and political fields, because we underestimated their importance and because we quickly proceeded to the socialist revolution. 但是,肃清思想政治方面的封建主义残余影响这个任务,因为我们对它的重要性估计不足,以后很快转入社会主义革命,所以没有能够完成。
The last volume of Modern History goes down to the eve of the Great October Socialist Revolution. <现代史>的最后一卷写到伟大的十月社会主义革命的前夕。
The worldwide socialist revolution has already dawned 全世界社会主义革命已经露出了曙光
Another difference is that one includes the stage of the socialist revolution, and the other does not. (二)有无社会主义革命阶段的不同。
By this I mean the Right deviation on the question of socialist revolution, primarily that of socialist transformation in the rural areas. 我说的这个右倾,是指在社会主义革命问题上,主要是在农村社会主义改造问题上的右倾。